Kosa. Kosa. Kosa. Postoji li bolji ukras za svaku ženu/devojku od njene kose. Ok, ne mora biti njena, može proći i kvalitetna nadogradnja, koju u suštini ne preporučujem, ali to sada nije tema. Kada pišem kosa, ne mislim na raspuštenu, masnu frizuru bez oblika, već na negovane oblikovane vlasi. U protekle pola godine prošla sam kroz veliki broj frizura, od duge kose, preko obrijane glave, do dugog i kratkog paža. I ova na fotografijama mi se nekako čini najprikladnija mojoj ličnosti. Imala sma određenih problema, nakon "obrijane" jedne strane glave, jer sam istu nakon samo nedelju dana nadogradila, te nikako nisam mogla da izjednačim dužinu, ali sada je sve napokon ok, uz pomoć raznih preparata poput, maske na bazi ricinusovog ulja, zatim L'Oreal spreja za kosu, zatim Avon advance kapi za kosu, i Garnier Olia farbe koja je obogaćena visikokvalitetnim hranljivim uljima. Ovaj post sam odlučila da posvetim, njenom visočanstvu, plavoj kosi.
Hair. Hair. Hair. Is there a better decoration for any woman / girl by her hair. Ok, not be her, it may take a quality upgrade, which essentially does not recommend it, but now is not the topic. When I write the hair, I do not mean dissolved oily hair without form, but the cherished shaped hairs. In the past six months I've been through a number of hairstyles, from long hair over shaved heads to long and short pageboy. And this in the photos we somehow seem best suited my personality. Had reduced some problems after "shaved" on one side of the head, because I did the same after a week upgraded, and I was not able to score the equalizing length, but now everything is finally ok with the help of various products such as masks based on castor oil, then L'Oreal hairspray, then Avon Advance drops dryer, and Garnier Olia colors High-quality lumber that is enriched with nourishing oils. This post I decided to devote myself to, its majesty, blond hair
Hair. Hair. Hair. Is there a better decoration for any woman / girl by her hair. Ok, not be her, it may take a quality upgrade, which essentially does not recommend it, but now is not the topic. When I write the hair, I do not mean dissolved oily hair without form, but the cherished shaped hairs. In the past six months I've been through a number of hairstyles, from long hair over shaved heads to long and short pageboy. And this in the photos we somehow seem best suited my personality. Had reduced some problems after "shaved" on one side of the head, because I did the same after a week upgraded, and I was not able to score the equalizing length, but now everything is finally ok with the help of various products such as masks based on castor oil, then L'Oreal hairspray, then Avon Advance drops dryer, and Garnier Olia colors High-quality lumber that is enriched with nourishing oils. This post I decided to devote myself to, its majesty, blond hair