

Ovih dana sam bila u totalnoj frci. Nikako da objavim post koji spreman čeka već duže vreme.
Ovog puta, odlučila sam da probrljam po garderoberu dečka i pronašla ovu savršenu harem sivu trenerku. Iako izbegavam da ponavljam komade, ovog puta nisam odolela i uskočila sam u omiljene bebi roze salonke. Majica sa triangle printom je i više nego hit ove sezone, a bela kapica bez ikakvih dodatnih detalja poslužila je da upotpuni ovaj SWAG outfit. Ovde bih povukla crtu, i posebno istakla jaknu, koju priželjkujem duži vremenski period i napokon je moja.  Što se kose tiče, odluka je pala na dugi paž. Po ugledu na Annu Wintour sam skratila krajeve, sa izvesnom korekcijom na šiškama.

These days, I was in total trouble. No way to post and he is standing here for a few days. 
This time, I decided to ckeck out in my boyfriend wardrobe and I found this beautiful harem gray sweatpants. While avoiding to repeat pieces, this time I could not resist and jumped into your favorite baby pink pumps. T-shirt with triangle print is more than a hit of the season, a white cap with no additional details served to complete this SWAG outfit. Here I would draw the line, and single out this excelled jacket, which I greatly desire for a long period of time and finally it's mine. When the hairstyle is concerned, the decision was made to a long pageboy, inspired by Anna Wintour with some correction on the fringes. 

Jacket // H&M
Trousers // Borrowed (BERSHKA)
Pumps // Tally Weijl
T-Shirt // TOPSHOP
Hat // New Yorker


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