Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Danas sam se odlučila za nešto ležerniju kombinaciju, spojila sam komade garderobe koje ovih dana volim da nosim. Što se pantalona tiče, moj izbor je pao na royal plave pantalone koje se šire u veliko zvono i celom look-u daju modernu notu, obzirom da su se ove sezone zvoncare vratile na velika vrata. Puder roze salonke su jedne od omiljenih komada obuće u mom cipelarniku, međutim i najneudobniji svakako, ali nisam se dvoumila oko njih jer mi se savršeno uklapaju uz celokupan outfit. Što se odabira majice tiče, to je morala biti ova klasična, bele boje, koja nema nikakvih detalja na sebi, jer je zlatna ogrlica u vidu pločice dovoljna sama po sebi da začini celokupnu priču. Kada smo kod torbe, inače nisam ljubitelj velikih torbi, ali ova je morala naći mesto u mom ormaru, jer u nju mogu staviti bukvalno šta god da pomislim i obožavam je.
Today, I opted for something more casual combination, I merged items of clothing that these days I like to wear. As for the pants, my choice fell on the royal blue pants that are spread over a large bell and give the look-modern touch, as they are this season bell bottoms back in a big way. Powder pink pumps are one of the favorite pieces of shoes in my shoe, however, and certainly the most uncomfortable, but I had no doubts about them because thez are a perfect fit with the whole outfit. As far as choosing a shirt, it had to be this classic, white color, which does not have any details on it, because it is a gold necklace in the form of tiles is sufficient by itself to spice up the whole story. Speaking of bags, I'm not normally a fan of big bags, but this one had to find a place in my closet, because it can literally put whatever I think and I love it.
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Photographer // Slobodan Zivkovic
Pants // Zara
Bag // Frank Cleeg
Shirt // Tally Weijl
Scarf // P....S...
Necklace // Honey Drip
Pumps // Tally Weijl